Urban Garden

Nahal and I took these shots in the Yerba Buena Gardens behind the Metreon on our way to a party hosted by Rocksbox. We're usually so constrained on time for our photo shoots that we aren't able to seek out beautiful spots like this. It was so nice to be out of the chaos of the city and to be in the greenery. Except for the guy that walked by our bags and seemed a little too about them for our comfort...I guess you can't completely escape the craziness.

Anyhow, as I mentioned, we were on our way to a Rocksbox party. Have you guys heard of it? It's this amazing jewelry company that sends you 3 pieces at a time, and you can either keep them until you're ready for something new, or you can use your allotted monthly credit toward purchasing any or all of the pieces. They have great inventory, and you can create a wish list for the items you want. It's $19 a month, and Nahal and I can offer you a free month if you use our code: hauteashburyxoxo. I've been a customer for 3 or 4 months, and I absolutely love it!

As I'm approaching the end of my pregnancy, I'm finding it harder and harder to get dressed every day. I can't tell if it's because I'm more limited in what I can wear, or if it's because regardless of what I wear, I'd much rather be in yoga pants and a tank top. I certainly haven't had the time or energy to shop lately. Putting something chic together for this party was a chore, let me tell you! Everything I'm wearing is old, including the shoes that I've now owned for a decade, but I put links to similar items below. The blazers below come in fuchsia as well, though they're displaying in light pink below. I am a bit addicted to blazers lately...maybe because all of my sweaters make me look frumpy and none of my jackets fit!

As always, thanks for reading!

My House of Harlowe necklace from Rocksbox

My House of Harlowe necklace from Rocksbox