Urban Garden

Nahal and I took these shots in the Yerba Buena Gardens behind the Metreon on our way to a party hosted by Rocksbox. We're usually so constrained on time for our photo shoots that we aren't able to seek out beautiful spots like this. It was so nice to be out of the chaos of the city and to be in the greenery. Except for the guy that walked by our bags and seemed a little too about them for our comfort...I guess you can't completely escape the craziness.

Anyhow, as I mentioned, we were on our way to a Rocksbox party. Have you guys heard of it? It's this amazing jewelry company that sends you 3 pieces at a time, and you can either keep them until you're ready for something new, or you can use your allotted monthly credit toward purchasing any or all of the pieces. They have great inventory, and you can create a wish list for the items you want. It's $19 a month, and Nahal and I can offer you a free month if you use our code: hauteashburyxoxo. I've been a customer for 3 or 4 months, and I absolutely love it!

As I'm approaching the end of my pregnancy, I'm finding it harder and harder to get dressed every day. I can't tell if it's because I'm more limited in what I can wear, or if it's because regardless of what I wear, I'd much rather be in yoga pants and a tank top. I certainly haven't had the time or energy to shop lately. Putting something chic together for this party was a chore, let me tell you! Everything I'm wearing is old, including the shoes that I've now owned for a decade, but I put links to similar items below. The blazers below come in fuchsia as well, though they're displaying in light pink below. I am a bit addicted to blazers lately...maybe because all of my sweaters make me look frumpy and none of my jackets fit!

As always, thanks for reading!

My House of Harlowe necklace from Rocksbox

My House of Harlowe necklace from Rocksbox

The Best Maternity Dress (& A Night in Vegas)

Aaron and I took a trip to Vegas a couple weeks ago with the intent of lounging at the pool and eating fine Vegas cuisine. The weather was unbelievably uncooperative, so the only time we spent poolside was about 45 minutes, during a rather windy and not terribly warm afternoon, at which time I wrapped myself in a towel and immediately passed out (third trimester napping--it's the best!). 

We did enjoy amazing meals and lovely kid-free time, courtesy of my wonderful mother, who flew in from CO to watch Sylvie while we were gone. We saw Michael Jackson: One (the Cirque du Soleil show) and watched the equally enjoyable new Avengers movie. We walked miles each day, which hopefully counteracted all of the aforementioned eating!

I found this dress at Nordstom Rack for under $30. Unfortunately, I can't find it online (it's WAYF brand), but I did link to some similar items, including one from Lulu's for $44! It's not a maternity dress, and it's just the proof in the pudding that you don't need to spend a fortune on maternity clothes when you're pregnant. Anything with a fair amount of stretch works well!

Also, please forgive the fact that I'm wearing the exact same necklace, shoes, and purse from my last post! I didn't think about that when I was packing for Vegas. Anyway it gave me an excuse to link to some more fabulous blue sandals below! 

I hope you all had a nice weekend & thanks for all the love and support! 

So Studly

So I've entered the wear-heels-only-when-absolutely-necessary phase of my pregnancy. I swear, as soon as I bragged about rocking heels at 6 months pregnant, I suddenly could no longer wear heels. I can only pull them off for an hour or so at a time, which is just long enough for a photo shoot or to wear to and from dinner. I know what you're thinking, I can sense you rolling your eyes...but I'm a heel girl through and through, and as vain as it is, I just cannot give them up entirely. Feel free to judge! :) Being relegated to wearing flats doesn't have to be all bad though. See exhibit A below. 

Exhibit A

This particular day, I was in a huge rush to get dressed, as I had spent the majority of my morning toddler-wrangling. Contrary to popular belief, I typically spend about 3 times as much time getting Sylvie dressed as I do getting myself dressed. True story. So in my haste I accidentally put this dress on backwards, which actually worked quite well. The front is ruched and for some reason looked odd on my bump the last time I tried it on. The jacket was added for a little warmth, given that it's nearly summer in San Francisco, which means the weather is miserable and cold. Everything I'm wearing in this post is old, save the main attraction (shoes) but I've put links to similar items below, including a few ruched dresses. I love ruching. Pregnant or no, it's flattering and flexible. 

What are your favorite flats? I'm in the market, so recommendations are welcome! 

I had to throw this in...having way too much fun with Raina from embellishedcloset.com

I had to throw this in...having way too much fun with Raina from embellishedcloset.com

As always, thanks for reading and have a super weekend! xoxoxo

Maternity Fierce

So as you can see, I'm doing my damndest to stay fierce while pregnant. I'd say I nail it about 5% of the time. Mostly, I just want to wear my joggers and my Stan Smiths and not put any makeup. I'd probably stay in bed all day, too, if I could somehow manage it. This pregnancy has been a lot more difficult than my first, primarily the physical discomforts. A lot of days it's hard for me to walk normally, and I don't know how I can possibly be this, well, PREGNANT at 5 1/2 months! What am I going to be like at 7 or 8 months? Eek!

Anyhow, this particular day Nahal and I ventured out to do a photo shoot with the stunningly stylish Raina Washington of The Embellished Closet. I kind of don't want to send you to her site, because it gives me major blog envy every time I look at it. How can someone be that photogenic? If I didn't love her, I'd probably hate her. Consider yourself lucky, Raina!

A note on the outfit deets: The dress is H & M, non-maternity, but it's sold out online. They may still have it in stock in stores, though! The sunnies are Warby Parker Hall in Whiskey tortoise. I've included similar products below!

Happy viewing, and I hope you're all having a great weekend!

Haute Ashbury